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Invisalign can correct a surprising range of orthodontic issues, including bite problems, crowding, and severe crookedness. The power of gradual phased treatment is undeniable, especially when you consider the available case studies. Check out a few case study summaries and learn more about the benefits of Invisalign.

A Problematic Gap

In the first case study, the female patient presented a pleasant smile, but with a significant gap between her two front teeth. A few other teeth had slight crowding or positioning issues as well, but she was primarily concerned with correcting the gap and the slight tilt of one front tooth.

After using Invisalign, the patient’s bite was much closer to ideal, and the gap between the front teeth was neatly closed. She was very pleased with the result of her treatment.

A Crooked Mess

Another patient’s lovely face was marred by the crookedness of her teeth. Some were receding a bit, while others jutted out. The bottom teeth were particularly crowded and tilted, resulting in a serious bite problem as the edges of the top and bottom front teeth were set against each other.

Thanks to Invisalign, the patient now has a stunning smile, complete with perfectly straight teeth. Her upper front teeth now slightly overlap the lower ones for a natural look, and her bite is much more comfortable. Her speech, confidence, and oral health have all improved since her use of Invisalign treatment.

A Painful Bite

Another female patient suffered from a very uncomfortable bite due to the dramatically crooked positioning of her teeth. Some teeth were overlapping others, and the points of her canine teeth conflicted uncomfortably when her jaws were closed.

After using Invisalign, she now has the smile she always wanted; and it is much more comfortable for her to bite, chew, and speak. Her bite issues were completely resolved, and all the tilted, crooked, or overlapping teeth are now in their correct positions, straight and symmetrical.

More Benefits of Invisalign

For each of these women, wearing metal braces and brackets would have been more painful and involved much more embarrassment than Invisalign. Since Invisalign trays are clear, they are practically invisible; and the patients could go about their daily lives as normal while their teeth were slowly corrected. Few people would ever notice the clear aligners, and if they did, it was a subtle distraction rather than an obvious one, like braces.

Plus, thanks to the nature of the Invisalign trays, patients have an easier time keep their teeth clean during treatment. They simply remove the trays to eat, and then brush and floss before putting the trays back in. Studies reveal that patients who use Invisalign instead of fixed appliances or braces have healthier mouths after treatment— and they achieve similar results.

Learning to Use Invisalign’s Full Power

The Aesthetics and Digital Dentistry Academy (ADDA) offers training to help dentists gain more hands-on experience using Invisalign, porcelain veneers, and other smile makeover methods. You can also learn to use the aligner technology to its full potential to correct a variety of issues; and you’ll gain a fresh understanding of using your patient’s facial aesthetics to plan the final result. With Invisalign, you can help patients transition peacefully and painlessly to a new smile.

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