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A recent public service announcement from the Malaysian Dental Association warns people about the risks of allowing unregistered dentists to carry out dental procedures. Allowing these fake dentists to install braces or do other orthodontic treatments can pose a severe risk to the patient’s oral health. In some cases, a fake treatment gone wrong can even cause death.

YouTube-trained Fake Dentists

One particular incident occurred when a man taught himself how to perform orthodontic procedures from YouTube videos. He then began offering his services to people in his area. His actions only came to light after he attempted to use crowdfunding for his operations. This was not the only case, there has been many recent reports of individuals performing dental and orthodontics on patients with skills they picked up from YouTube and dentistry magazines. Always check their license!

Lacking the Necessary Knowledge

Uncertified dentists may have a general understanding of how a real dentist would treat an issue, but they do not have the years of training necessary to understand the structure of the mouth and teeth, or the experience necessary to customise treatment for each patient’s situation and health needs. Plus, fake dentists lack the right equipment and are not skilled in maintaining a sanitised, safe environment for patient care.

Making a Bad Situation Worse

According to the Malaysian Dental Association (MDA), fake dentists in Singapore, Malaysia, or elsewhere can actually make problems worse. Any savings the patients may have hoped to achieve would be offset by those extra costs and by the amount of pain and suffering from a dental procedure gone wrong. “Among the many negative impacts of seeking services from fake dentists include complications that are not only unmanageable by the fake dentists, but rendering the disease even more complicated to treat, and may incur higher cost,” according to the MDA’s announcement.

Increasing the Risk of Infection or Disease

Another immense risk to patients is the potential of contaminated tools or equipment. A low-budget, fake dentist isn’t likely to properly handle or sterilise his or her tools between patients. The MDA warns that “Infection control is often compromised and the risks of contracting a dangerous infection such HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and probably airborne diseases such as Tuberculosis not only poses a threat to the patients but also to the fake dentists themselves.”

Understanding the Need for Regulation

To prevent all these issues dentistry and orthodontia are regulated both in Malaysia and in Singapore. The regulations and registration requirements are in place for everyone’s safety, not because dentists in Singapore want to be able to charge higher prices.

Finding Your Source for a Smile Makeover

For Invisalign or other orthodontia to correct their teeth, patients should visit an Invisalign provider in Singapore, not a false dentist boasting about self-taught skills with homemade braces. Instead of using an untrained person for teeth whitening or a smile makeover, patients need to play it safe and find a registered dentist with the proper training.

Training New Dentists in the Craft

Training in the art and science of professional aesthetic dentistry is available throughout Singapore, including the Aesthetics and Digital Dentistry Academy (ADDA). Since 2015, ADDA has been training the next generation of dentists to provide excellent clinical care and to safely practice the insertion of dental implants, the installation of porcelain veneers, and the use of Invisalign to make smiles healthier and more beautiful. Place your oral care in the hands of experts, not novices, and you’ll be grateful that you did.

Source: New Straits Times, 9 Oct 2017

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